
February 4, 2012

Buyer’s Guide DSLR Cameras 2012 part-1

Camera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR), which previously dominated the market, this year seems to be the underdog. Only four DSLR which was launched in 2011, three of one of Nikon and Canon. The fourth camera will probably be discussed in one page is completed.

At least that diuncurkan type DSLR this year because of too many manufacturers are turning to mirrorless. In fact, from 12 manufacturers of cameras that are still active, only three manufacturers that still wants to develop digital SLR cameras.

However, the type of DSLR cameras still offer quality, speed, and high flexibility. Therefore, the DSLR will still be discussed in depth. We also integrate cameras Digital Single Lens Translucent type that has the quality and speed equivalent to a DSLR.

Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera

Image Quality: High-Very High, Speed: High, Flexibility: High

DSLR very unique way of working and could not be found on other camera types. The key lies in the mirror.

The mirror reflects the image of a DSLR lens to the viewfinder. This allows you to view such a sensor would be arrested. This is the type viewfinder optical viewfinder (OVF).Compared to the electronic viewfinder or live-view, OVF object to be photographed displaying a brighter, sharper, and of course without pause. OVF enables the acquisition of objects very quickly. In addition, thanks to the same mirror, autofocus DSLR is also much faster. Compact or hybrid camera can lock focus only after 0.5 to 2 seconds while the DSLR can do it in a 0.05 to 0.3 seconds.

However, the DSLR camera is a camera that is also quite complicated to use. Almost all current DSLR forces you to peek viewfinder prior to shooting. Indeed, the Live View feature is available where you can compose using the LCD screen, but this feature slows down the performance of the camera. However, many photographers choose a DSLR for this class gives you the best picture quality. DSLR even worth 4 million dollars to give the image a lot better than a pocket camera 6 million dollars. The new DSLR launched this year is the Canon EOS 1100D, Canon EOS 600D, Canon EOS 1Dx, and Nikon D5100.

Camera Digital Single Lens Translucent

Image Quality: High-Very High, Speed: High, Flexibility: High

DSLT is a very similar type of camera with DSLR, except for the two main components: the primary mirror and a series of optical viewfinder. DSLR mirror can open the lid to bend light. When the light is deflected to the optical viewfinder, the camera can not capture.Conversely, when light falls onto the sensor, the photographer can not shoot.

DSLT fixed using a semi-transparent mirror. With a transparent mirror, the light can fall onto the sensor and simultaneously deflected into AF sensor. In this way, AF, viewfinder, and digital sensors can work simultaneously, no longer turns. This method allows more accurate tracking AF for video recording and photo shoots to 12 fps.

Currently, the only manufacturer that uses a digital camera is a Sony DSLT system. These manufacturers are saying it will not produce a DSLR again for believing that the future of digital cameras there are on DSLT. In 2011, Sony launched the Alpha A35, A65, and A77.

If you are interested have a DSLR / DSLT, then the feature to note is:


Differences in the physical size of the viewfinder
An optical viewfinder may seem difficult for everyday shooting but need to be used to obtain the highest speed. Viewfinder has a different specification. Affordable DSLR viewfinders usually have a dark and small, while the expensive features a bright viewfinder and relieved. In the viewfinder there is a LCD panel that displays shooting parameters.Optical viewfinder can only be found on a DSLR. DSLT users will be faced with an electronic viewfinder, like the mirrorless camera.

Sensor size

Three cameras with different sensor sizes
Just as the type of compact cameras, DSLR equipped with a variety of sensor sizes. The difference, compact camera lens is adjusted to the size of the sensor, while the DSLR lens can be changed at will. This poses a problem because it means the same lens can provide a different perspective on the body is different. Sensor can also limit the selection of lens options. Canon EF-s lens, for example, can not be paired with EOS body 1Dx.

AF point

Compared to compact camera, the DSLR autofocus faster. However, the focal point DSLR fixated on the locations that have been designed. You can not move freely as the focal point on a compact camera. Therefore, this feature is often the deciding vote DSLR.DSLR is good to have 10 or more focal points whose positions are spread evenly into the corners of the frame. Most DSLR Canon still has 9 AF points are less angled position.

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